Sunday, November 22, 2009

bagay kUh madurug(bestfriend)

Monday, November 16, 2009

my unforgetable college^^

this is my college when i was in Philippines before i got this school i learn a lot about medical studies,experience bullying someone and do bad things hehe, but i never regret entering this school because i learn how to check the blood type and how to use X-ray and i met many friends especially my naughty girlfriend. i enjoy, i fell in love, i gain i lose friends in this school but i love that school"that's all thank you"

Brent provides its students with the greatest legacy of all - a well-rounded education. We prepare them to interact with the people from all walks of life, to rise up to the challenges of work, to meet and even exceed what is expected. A brent Student has a broad horizon, fully aware of larger complex world that exists beyond the campus.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

as a frat man

I was on my early teen when I joined the Fraternity.

Not knowing exactly what this Fraternity is
Not knowing exactly its benefits
Not knowing exactly my role was on this Fraternity.

Years passed by...I had realized that we were like children left by our fathers in the midst of darkness
Standing hanging on who our real father was
Confused on where we came from.

But then we managed to find the path of this journey
Managed to a rude dog in the streets searching for food to survive
Then we began to fight for it.

Fighting for food
Is fighting for the name of the Fraternity...Alpha Kappa Rho
Blood painted the streets
Blood shed here and everywhere.

Brothers died...honor we give to them for defending the poweful scepter
But memories of them will forever remain unfold
They said LIFE's a GAME
So we played with it.

Society began to critisized
People object on our principles
Nobody understands us
Neither do the people we love.

Rain pours on us...
But none of our troubles are washed away
And we feel pain
Like cancer that grows

They said "being a SKEPTRON is like putting oneself to grave"
But then I asked them..."would you dare fit on my shoe?!"
Nobody dared
Not everyone will.

Coz not everyone is chosen to hold the powerful scepter...and be part of the MIGHTY SKEPTRONS.
Coz in this organization ONLY the STRONG survives.

Now I know exactly what this organization is
It is where you'll meet who your true friends are
This is where you'll find yourself equal with others
This is where you'll know what your capabilities are

Now I know exactly its benefits
This organization made me what I am now
And exactly made us, what we are NOW.

Now I know exactly what my role is